Thompson "Prijatelji" c. dala magyar fordításban. A HORVÁT HONVÉDŐ HÁBORÚRÓL, ill. ANTE GOTOVINÁRÓl olvasmány: - ismerd a horvát testvéreink, és a délvidéki magyarok történelmét - Croatian-Hungarian friendship! Here's a story that I would like to share with everyone: "I know this from a friend of mine who fought during the Croatian Homeland War. His raid group pushed the Serbians out of a village near the Hungarian border, and in there, they found a weapon rack. It was full of armaments stored by the Croatian army for Hungary, in case us, Hungarians, were to invade Transylvania. These feelings of friendship between our nations were stronger at that time than now..." Another good example of who is with us, and who's against us: "When we, Hungarians supported the Croatian Homeland war with Kalashnikovs, the liberal circles of Hungary attacked both the Hungarian, and the Croatian government for the supply exchange. The liberal groups that attack Thompson today, and call him and his patriot fans "nazi", and who knows what else, are basing their statements on the same ideology that they shouted out at that time. MADARSKO-HRVATSKO BRATSTVO!" Cimborák Cimboráim, gyakran gondolok rátok Ez a kor nem való már minekünk Manapság mások mind a lányok Elnyelték őket a városok, Cimboráim, hogy megy a sorotok? Emlékeztek-e még a büszke napokra? Vállt a vállnak vetve mentünk, Téve, mire esküt tettünk Mikor szabad volt még magunk lennünk Cimboráim, gyakran gondolok rátok ...
Keywords: prijatelji, friends, croats, thompson, marko, perkovic, subtitles, subs, hrvatska, horvát, magyar, barátság, felirat, cimboráim, barátok
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