My entire existence has been dominated by one simple question, "How did all of this begin"? I have pondered this examine for over 25 years, and I am 31 years old now. Science was always my beloved subject when I was growing up. I used to spend hours in high school discussing my own thoughts and theories with my science teachers after school. I prolonged to do so even when I attended the University. I learned the three most beloved theories of the day. The most beloved of which is the Big Bang Theory. The only credit I give the Big Bang law is that it is possible; however, improbable it may be. What keeps the Big Bang law alive is that there seems to be scientifically proven evidence that points to it as the explanation. The one sticking point for me is the "Before Period". What existed before the singularity exploded? The Oscillating Universe law is nice, but it has the same problem; assuming there ever honestly was a beginning. If the universe has always existed then it is a plausible theory. The same holds true for the steady state universe theory. The concept that the universe has always existed and will always exist the way it is forever and ever. The big qoute with this law is that we know the universe is not unchanging. It is increasing and does change.
Case Rack
What I am about to advise in this paper is an idea that I have dwelled upon for years. It is a law that I believe in and has helped me come to a best insight of our universe. It also goes beyond the sticking point of, "What came before". In my concept there are only two current theories that make sense. There is my law of the nothing universe and there is the law of God. No matter how hard I rack my brain I just cannot come to any other conclusion. Either my law is correct, the correct law has not been written, or God is responsible for everything. These were the choices I gave myself, and for now I am going to stick with my conclusions. My goal now is to share my law with the world, and hope that it is the right one. I believe that this law neatly ties together all of the lose ends of existence. With a clear insight of our beginnings, we will be able to gain full insight into the inner workings of our reality.
The Nothing Universe
We are all customary with our human concept of nothing. When a bottle is empty, we say; "Nothing is in it". We know that this is not honestly the case. What we are referring to is the fact that what we concept should be in the bottle is no longer there. In order for nothing to truly be in the bottle, the bottle itself would have to include a vacuum. A vacuum is the complete absence of matter. The only thing that can exist in a vacuum is energy. A vacuum is the true concept of nothing, but it is not the true form of nothing. What I am saying is that our concept of nothing and what nothing honestly is are two separate things. The true state of nothing is neutrality. A equilibrium between charges in a perfectly arranged atom. This exquisite atom I have named the Nothing Atom. This nothing atom is composed of both matter and anti matter particles joined together and separated by neutrons. The nothing atom is composed of the proton, the neutron, the electron, as well as their anti matter counterparts. They are all locked together and kept from destroying each other by neutrons. I do not know the exact arrangement of these particles in this exquisite atom, but that is irrelevant. All that is prominent is the concept that they are all locked together in this one exquisite Nothing Atom. The electron and the positron do not annihilate each other, because they occupy separate orbital lobes. Again, I do not fully understand the exact arrangement of this atom; only that it existed. Whatever the exquisite arrangement is, this perfectly neutral Nothing Atom is the only thing that existed in the pre-universe and composed infinity entirely. There was no motion and there for no time, but we can use the concept of infinity to give us an idea of the state of the universe up until the point of the event.
So now we have the exquisite nothing universe composed entirely of the neutral and exquisite Nothing Atom. All energy is locked up tight in the form of particles production up this nothing universe. Now, here comes the major dilemma of my theory. Something had to happen in just one of these exquisite Nothing Atoms to cause it to destabilize. Something had to generate a destabilization of one of the particles within the atom to lead to an irreversible chain reaction that would lead to the birth of the known universe. I refer to this as the Event.
The Event
The event represents the exact moment when the chaos began. I have come up with a law to explicate this based upon the concept of probability. Statistically speaking, one would have to assume that when you are dealing with infinity; the probability of 1 event occurring is 1 in infinity. That is to say that if an event can occur, any way improbable; a opening still exists for its occurrence when infinity is taken into consideration. I will now quote one of my old geology professors, Dr. Eastler, because I believe this quote sums up my concept of the event nicely. He said, "It didn't have to happen, but it had to happen." Once this one neutral Nothing atom destabilized, it set into motion a chain reaction that would lead to the greatest particular explosion that will ever occur in the history of reality. Some call it "the Big Bang", I call it; "The Event".
This is not a singularity exploding into existence, this is an atom setting off a chain reaction in a sea of exquisite atoms. This reaction is instantaneous and is, I believe, the only event currently occurring in our universe at a speed greater than that of the speed of light. This is why we do not see the light emanating from this expansion of our universe. I advise that if we could tour fast sufficient and far sufficient out into space we would eventually come to a wall of energy lively away from us. I would call this the "Event Horizon" but that name is already taken so I will refer to it as the "Creation Wave". This wall of energy is the boundary between our universe and the nothing universe. On the other side of this wall of energy is the universe as it existed before the event. An endless sea of exquisite nothing atoms awaiting their turn to be annihilated by the impending "Creation Wave". This means that our universe is being born as we speak, and will continue to be born for eternity. This may also explicate sure observations that our universe is not slowing down, but accelerating as it expands outward. The creation wave is essentially pulling the matter behind it outward due to the ongoing expansion, and or the heavy gravity of the nothing universe on the other site of the creation wave. A never ending wave of destruction lively away from the town of the known universe at mind boggling speed. This expansion also helps to explicate why there is so much empty space out there. The universe we know is increasing outward to fill empty space, where empty space had never existed. A universe full of matter and energy in our universe and matter and energy in the anti universe.
I have possibilities to offer as to why we are not blinded by and vaporized by the energy being released by this process. One possibility is that the mass of the nothing universe on the other side of the Creation wave is infinitely great, that the energy and light from the event is bent back towards the nothing universe as the Creation wave moves forward. The second possibility is that the Creation wave is so far away from us now that the light emitted from this event cannot reach our region of space any longer. Leaving behind nothing more than background radiation as the thumb print to this event. That is not to say that if we create the capability to look far sufficient out into space that we may not catch a view or some evidence of this light, but I extremely doubt it. This Creation wave has been traveling outwards at a speed greater than that of the speed of light for well over 15 billion years now.
Another event occurred at the exact moment that the Creation wave began its long journey outward and forever. A the exact moment the chain reaction began not just one, but two universes were born. The first universe is the matter universe and the second universe was the anti-matter universe. These two universes exist on two isolate plains that I like to refer to as the "Above" and "Below" planes of existence. The "Central Plane" is where the nothing universe existed in one dimension and in exquisite harmony. As soon as the Event occurred the majority of anti matter phased into a new dimension, or plane of existence. Similarly all of the matter in our known universe phased into its own plane of existence. I have designated the matter universe as the Above plane, and I have designated the anti-matter universe the Below plane. These are two isolate universes, on of which is composed of matter, and the other of anti-matter.
Another way to perhaps picture these two universes as existing simultaneously would be to envision all of the matter arranged the way it is in our matter universe, and then imagining that the anti matter that is arranged in the anti-matter universe as occupying the empty pockets of space in our universe. So, if you look out into space now in our universe you will consideration that there is a lot of empty space out there. The same is true for the anti matter universe. Matter in one universe occupies the empty space of the other universe and vice versa. We realize it as empty space, because the other universe exists on a separate plane of existence. This is one other possibility.
A link does exist between these two planes. This link can be found in the form of a black hole. A black holes gravity is so intense that it honestly punches a hole into that other plane. Just as anti matter is spewed out into our plane from a black hole, I believe that matter is spewed forth from the same black hole into anti-matter space. A black hole may describe a bridge between the two planes. If you can fantasize a matter black hole warping space and creating a wormhole that is related to its counterpart or anti matter black hole. perhaps they are one and the same or perhaps they occupy the same space at the same time. These two black holes being related by a carport wormhole or perhaps black holes are related to white holes. perhaps white holes exist in both the matter and anti matter universes as the outlets or the transfer between the two universes.
Black holes share a very base link to the state of the universe in the very starting and that is its very intense gravitational field. This field exists due to the sheer quantity of matter contained with in a small amount of space. The incompatibility is that there was no free energy in the neutral universe, all energy was locked up in particles contained within the exquisite atom. If there were any free space in that neutral universe, no doubt the gravity would be of a power we have never before witnessed. A super black would pale in comparison.
The state of our universe today is that of chaos in an unbalanced universe. The same is true in the anti matter universe. The universe that we know today is trying to return to that neutral state. That is why atoms strive to for balance. The elements that exist today are thanks to processes that took place in stars. In a sense our elements were the first things that began to evolve in our universe, ultimately prominent the elements necessary for the evolution of life.
I cannot say that the universe will never return to the neutral state of the nothing universe. The fact remains that 15 billion years may be only a split second after the event on a universal time scale. We may still be witnessing the very early stages of our universes existence. perhaps one day events will take place in the universe to allow for a pocket of nothing material or neutral matter to form. perhaps it will grow gradually over time repairing itself and creating a new neutral universe inside of an ever increasing universe, surrounded by the first neutral universe. perhaps this wave of equilibrium and chaos has been going on for some time and the space that we are customary with exists between one of these waves. perhaps the whole thing as balanced as a wave of existence and neutrality. These processes taking place on such a scale that we cannot even begin to realize the amount of time we are dealing with. I personally believe that we are living in the first universe and the only one that will exist. The matter and anti matter universes existing on isolate planes exchanging matter and anti matter with one an additional one straight through varied processes such as black holes.
I cannot conceive of this universe ever returning to a balanced neutral nothing universe again. My confidence is that we live in this relatively infant universe, the first to exist in infinity, and will exist in infinity from this point on. As I stated before though, you can never rule out possibilities. The possibility that matter in our universe will begin to collapse in on itself may occur at some distant point in the future. If the Creation wave gets far sufficient away from the town of the universe then perhaps its gravitational sway will drop below that of the sway of near by galaxies and all matter in between.
The universe could then begin to collapse in on itself, reform the neutral universe and the the event would occur at some point in an even more distant and mind boggling future. Like I said, I envision our universe as increasing inside of the neutral universe. At the same time the anti matter universe is doing the same thing on its own plane of existence. Two universe, one to describe the matter universe that we live in and the other in the anti matter universe. One would have to assume that the laws of physics would exist in much the same way in both universes. I have not begun to ponder that examine as of yet. I assume it does based on the fact that anti matter should interact much the same way that matter does in our universe. This is my working law of the starting of the universe. It is not concrete, but represents what may have been the state of the universe before the beginning.
I also believe that the same evidence that may serve to prove the Big Bang law may also serve to prove my hypothesis. The evidence is not wrong, they are scientific methods that have been conducted over and over only to come to the same conclusion. The evidence is entirely correct; I articulate that the conclusion that the evidence is attributed to is wrong. I plan on writing a more full, paper presenting the law of the Nothing Universe if this Hypothesis is gradually well accepted. I will then provide the scientific discoveries that I believe will provide a great deal more reserve for my conclusions than that for the Big Bang conclusion.
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